Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Short, Shorter, Shortest + LUSH

(gratuitous photo of me because I'm feeling myself.)


It's is wonderful to be speaking with you all again; I've literally fallen off the Earth and pulled myself back onto this fertile ground because I had something so important I felt like I needed to share with you: I'm cutting my hair. Again. Shorter.

Indeed, I've already cut my hair only a few months ago, and I've recently got this untamable urge to cut it shorter! It must be shorter!!!

I'm not too sure why I'm suddenly wanting to cut my hair so much but I'm just going with the flow right now, just following my instincts. Following me heart. I'm doing me. Let me live.

Have I mentioned, that I've been obsessing over LUSH products? Because I have. They make my skin so lusciously soft like velvet, like silk, like cashmere, like all the most luxurious fabrics. Here's my daily face routine:

1. Aqua Marina cleanser
2. Imperialis Moisturizer
3. Tea Tree Toner

and occasionally
0. Brazened Honey Mask

Apologies that I've been slacking off; I'm working on school and trying to get my life together. I've been applying to fashion mag. summer internships and also working on my study abroad application. I'm going to Florence, Italy, did I mention? So excited and scared and nervous for what will happen next. Life is so unpredictable.

I'll let you all know how my life and hair goes.
I'll try to post something new and original and actually professional, soon...
Or maybe I'll invite a guest blogger, who knows? It'll be a surprise.

Goodnight, kittens. image


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