Tuesday, February 18, 2014

English 385 and etc.


We're reading this book in english and it's such a bore to read. Apparently it's based off of Northwestern University and Evanston (which is called Churchton in the novel...original) and most of the time, instead of actually comprehending what's going on in the novel I end up trying to find the places that the novel is trying to describe.

They mention Lake Michigan a lot so, it's really not that hard.

Funny story, no one (except for one person who had already read the novel before in some other class, so he doesn't count) in my class actually finished the novel so my prof. got really mad angry at us and dismissed us like 10 minutes early.

We also spent like 20 minutes of class casting the film adaptation to the 'movie'. My cast consisted of Meryl Streep, Kiera Knightly, and Rob Pattenson.

Anyways, he said we're going to have a quiz (?? potentially???) over the novel tomorrow so I guess I'm off to actually read the thing. Ta!



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