Monday, February 23, 2015

My lovely, lovely kittens,

I have exciting news!!! I'm on my way (finally) to NYC!!!! Cue the drums and fireworks and happy crying, because this has been on its way for a long, long, long time now.

Not really, but I'm so nervous and really anxious and really excited to finally go to NYC, the city of my dreaaaammmss. Although, I'm pretty positive that it's not as great as the elaborate fantasy I've created in my head (because nothing ever is) from fictional novels and Glee fan fiction (lmao).

I'm excited to finally walk down the streets and MAYBE get photographed by a street photographer because I'm obviously going to be the most unique dressed (kidding).

So, why, you may ask am I going to the city of dreams, the big apple, the land of lovely lady liberty?

I've been accepted to the 2015 Teen Vogue University! 

Yes, maybe it's a big deal and maybe it's not. I'm not sure yet, but I'm excited nonetheless. It's taking place March 13-15 and I'll be staying at a location that is TBD and I'll be spending lots of time at the Teen Vogue headquarters, One World Trade Center.
But the acceptance has also brought along huge amounts of anxiety and stress because, lord jesus, what am I going to wear? What am I going to bring? Where am I going to stay?

This trip may bankrupt me. I've already spent $189 on a necklace and bracelet set and I think I might end up buying more things.

I'm anxious because I know I'm going to be completely overwhelmed by the conference. Not because there will be a lot of girls (there will be) but because I'm going to be completely out of my depth. No doubt, there will be a lot of privileged, upper class white girls who will be wearing designer clothing. Meanwhile, I'll be there trying to find my way through the crowd in not designer clothing. The fashion industry is seriously cut-throat, and I know this, but I've been able to avoid it thus far. What will I do when I finally have to confront the industry as what it is? Is it a space for me?

Who knows. I'm still excited.

Anyways, in preparation for this trip, I will be uploading a post covering everything I'll be bringing including makeup, skincare, wardrobe and that jewelry set I mentioned because it is seriously gorgeous.

Then, I'll be posting every night about my experience at the Teen Vogue conference with photos, writing, etc. I'm not sure what else I'll include but it'll be detailed and, hopefully, informative if any of you plan on applying next year!

So stay tuned! I've got a lot planned...

I love all of you,

Goodnight loves! I'll talk to y'all soon!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

(photos by the lovely Linda Phung)

To the lovely turtlenecks in the world,

Alas, I finally understand why you were created and put in this world: to keep my fragile neck warm on chilly days from h-town to chi-town and to help me channel Funny Face Audrey every day. Yes, I understand why you were the uniform of the Beat generation/movement and now you mean everything sleek and chic. 

I adore how your fabric hugs the lines of my neck, elongating and slimming, you help me channel a stylish giraffe. 

Why, your minimalism and comfortableness makes me squeal and dance with joy (see below). I pair you with a pair of lovely red pumps and I am ready to charge, calmly and steadfastly down the road.

Your presence makes me feel confident enough to barge into Anna Wintour's office and demand a job. She'd take one look at my stylish, black turtleneck and hire me on the spot. For I am always in style, when you're around.

Oh how you make me so shy when you are around, making me feel like the princess that I am. I can't seem to bring myself to look at the camera.

Deer caught in the headlights  a turtleneck look.

Details: TURTLENECK: American Apparel, Pants: Mom's Closet, Bag: Vintage, Flower crown: DIY,  pumps: Nine West?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Short, Shorter, Shortest + LUSH

(gratuitous photo of me because I'm feeling myself.)


It's is wonderful to be speaking with you all again; I've literally fallen off the Earth and pulled myself back onto this fertile ground because I had something so important I felt like I needed to share with you: I'm cutting my hair. Again. Shorter.

Indeed, I've already cut my hair only a few months ago, and I've recently got this untamable urge to cut it shorter! It must be shorter!!!

I'm not too sure why I'm suddenly wanting to cut my hair so much but I'm just going with the flow right now, just following my instincts. Following me heart. I'm doing me. Let me live.

Have I mentioned, that I've been obsessing over LUSH products? Because I have. They make my skin so lusciously soft like velvet, like silk, like cashmere, like all the most luxurious fabrics. Here's my daily face routine:

1. Aqua Marina cleanser
2. Imperialis Moisturizer
3. Tea Tree Toner

and occasionally
0. Brazened Honey Mask

Apologies that I've been slacking off; I'm working on school and trying to get my life together. I've been applying to fashion mag. summer internships and also working on my study abroad application. I'm going to Florence, Italy, did I mention? So excited and scared and nervous for what will happen next. Life is so unpredictable.

I'll let you all know how my life and hair goes.
I'll try to post something new and original and actually professional, soon...
Or maybe I'll invite a guest blogger, who knows? It'll be a surprise.

Goodnight, kittens. image