My beautiful, magical friend, Emma, recently developed her photos from Dillo day, which was during late May. And are they aaaaamazing. Ugh, I've always loved the quality of photos taken by a disposable, and Miss E is a fab fab fab photographer, so obviously the photos turned out great--I'm very excited to share them with you. Oh, how they elicit delightful and hazy memories of college debauchery. (I am nursing a glass of wine in a few of them--delish). Oh, and did I mention that E will (hopefully) be taking over as photographer for this blog! I'm so excited, thrilled, and honored to be able to add her to the team-she's a fantastic person, lovely to be around. So look forward to better quality posts in the future.
So, before I share these photos, let me give you all an overview of what Dillo day is so you guys have a better understanding of the context these photos were taken in. Here's the official description of Dillo day, aka "what we tell our parents", and here's what actually happens:
7am. Wake up. eat, eat, eat, carbs.
8am. Commence pre-game.
9am. pregame.
10am. pregame
11am. pregame
12am. pregame
1pm. perhaps, maybe, if still conscious, move to the field to watch the first act.
2pm. get bumped around in a crowd of sweaty, frat guys that smell of alcohol
3pm. throw up? maybe. or pre game more. or leave because you're done and your body is crashing
4pm. nap
5pm. nap
6pm. maybe eat some dinner? who knows. pre game some more
7pm. pregame?
8pm. stumble to the final act of the night
9pm. sort-of-dance-but-not-really to the final act
10pm. sit bc you're exhausted. and extremely hung over. ow body hurts
11pm. either go home and pass out for 2 days, or go party some more
Now that you've gotten the idea, I now present the lovely photos, in chronological order.
I remember that meal the morning after was like heaven in my mouth. If any of you guys ever get a chance to visit Evanston, IL Clarke's is where it's at. Bless. Oh, and check out E's blog--she's darling, and hilarious.